Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption

This movie definitely finds a position in top ten movies of all times, at least for me, for sure. It made me unaware all the time that, I am watching a film. I assimilated all of it. Running time nears two and an half hours, but story never looses any grip. Absolutely absorbing and inspirational!!! The story illustrates the power of hope and friendship. The acting performances are also very good. Tim Robbins’s low-key approach to playing Andy is perfect and Morgan Freeman is as wonderful as always.

The fascinating character Andy, who never fails to astound us with his courage and wise, was perfectly carved by the storywriter. Andy's final surprise, a stunner, though, is his best, and it is enough to encourage even old Red to face the real world. Story gives a fair sized dose of prison brutality. Andy’s presence enriches and uplifts Shawshank’s jail, but we rarely get much reason to think that he’ll be getting out soon. Andy’s convict friends are interesting and likeable, if crude. They give the film great depth. There are usual sadistic bad folks also who go along with the inhumanity. Every time the movie made me feel that it is all depressing , Andy does something which assures that this fellow is about to find a method to survive . When the climax starts to unfold, we realize that this masterpiece is very inspiring and still we don’t feel manipulated.

There were a lot of scenes in the movie that need a mention. The most prominent being Andy’s escape. Others include new guy Tommy’s revelation about murders for which Andy was accused of. , his eventual killing by Warden and his men , Red keeping the promise he made to Andy in the jail , the very last scene of the movie , Red’s last parole hearing and Brook’s suicide scene. These scenes display the power behind the story of ‘Shawshank Redemption’. It is a story of hope and triumph, a tribute to Man's ability to overcome all the obstacles and odds. This remarkably hopeful story keeps us enraptured. Movie is a testament of overcoming odds and providing a hope to hope. Shawshank redemption is a bonafide classic.

My Rating: 9/10
Entertainment Value: 93%


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